32. The Lion’s Family and the Leopard

Lion had been gone a long time, and his wife and children had no food.
When Lioness saw Leopard walking by, she begged for help. “Lion hasn’t come home,” she said, “and we’re starving.”
Feeling sorry for the little cubs, Leopard caught an eland and dragged it back to their den.
Just as the cubs began to eat, their father came bounding back home, roaring loudly.
Terrified, Leopard ran and hid in the grass.
Lion raged at his wife in jealous anger. “How dare you take help from Leopard!”
To avoid meeting Lion, Leopard now only comes out at night.

[a Chok story from Kenya] 

Inspired by: "Why the Leopard Walks by Night" in The Suk: Their Language and Folklore by Mervyn W. H. Beech, 1911.
Notes: You can read the original story online

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