~ 200. Anansi and the Grain of Corn ~

Anansi was stealing from Monkey and Tiger's corn-field.
"Catch him!" shouted Monkey and Tiger.
They chased him, but Anansi hid inside a grain of corn.
Rooster ate that corn.
Then Alligator ate Rooster.
Monkey and Tiger asked the oracle-drum, "Where's Anansi?"
"In the earth-grain in the sky-bird in the river-beast," said the drum.
Monkey saw Alligator in the river. "Aha!" he shouted, grabbing Alligator.
He cut Alligator open; there was Rooster.
He cut Rooster open; there was the grain.
Tiger raised his paw while Monkey cut the grain, but Anansi was faster than Tiger with his paw, so Anansi escaped!

Inspired byAnansi the Spider Man by Philip Sherlock
Notes: This story is on p. 105 of the book: The Quarrel.

1 comment:

  1. So Rooster and Alligator both end up dead, Monkey and Tiger fail to catch the thief and Anansi gets away with everything! Well that seems totally unfair!
