~ 135. Anansi and Anteater ~

Anansi was sneaking into the king's elephant park at night, crawling into the elephant's stomach and nibbling on the elephant meat.
Anteater saw that Anansi was getting fat this way.
"Take me with you!" said Anteater.
"Only if you promise to just nibble," said Anansi.
"I promise!" said Anteater.
They went together inside the elephant and nibbled.
"It's time to go," said Anansi.
But Anteater would not go. "Just a little more," he said.
Anansi left, and Anteater kept eating.
Then the elephant fell down dead.
The king was angry. He cut open the elephant, found Anteater, and killed him.

Notes: This is story 64. Crawling into the Elephant’s Belly. The story is from Guyana.

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