The Dogs of Tangier

When Noah's ark came to rest at last, Noah shouted, "Praise be to Allah who saved us from the waters." Then Noah disembarked and traveled all over the land, making sacrifices to Allah everywhere that he stopped. 
When he reached Tangier, Noah had sacrificed all his cows, sheep, and goats, leaving only the dogs.
"But we defended you against the lion and panther!" protested the dogs. "We rescued your son from the hyena!" 
But Noah did not heed their pleas, and he sacrificed the dogs upon the altar.
To this day, the dogs of Tangier are still barking in protest.

Inspired by: "The Dogs of Tangier"  in Tales and legends of Morocco by Elisa Chimenti, 1965.
Notes: You can read the original story online. The original story is full of wonderful details that I was not able to include here, alluding to other Islamic legends of Noah and his family.

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