125. The Leopard and the Hawk

Leopard and Hawk were friends.
One day Leopard visited Hawk.
"I'll get us something to eat," said Hawk. Having soared to the highest treetop, Hawk swooped down, grabbed a stray chicken, and killed it.
Leopard was very impressed. Hawk didn't waste any time stalking; he just swooped — kpwing! — and grabbed.  
Another day Hawk visited Leopard. "I'll get us something to eat," said Leopard. He climbed the highest tree and swooped — kpwing! — but he hit the ground so hard that all his bones were broken, and he died.
Hence the proverb: Do only what you can do.
[a Bulu story from Cameroon]

Inspired by: "Do the Things You Can Do" in Bulu Folk-Tales (in Journal of American Folklore) by George Schwab, 1919. The Bulu are a people who live in Cameroon. 
Notes: You can read the original story online. In the original story it mentions leopard's wives coming to mourn over his dead body.

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