120. The Dog and the Jackal

As Dog was exploring the desert, he met Jackal. "You look hungry," Dog said.
"I am," replied Jackal.
So Dog ran back into town and brought Jackal a bone.
"You have good food there!" said Jackal.
"I'll show you where to get more," said Dog, and he led Jackal into town.
But when the people saw them, they beat Dog, who howled miserably, while Jackal escaped back into the desert.
"There's no food worth a beating like that," Jackal said to himself. "I may not eat well in the desert, but I am better off here than in the town."
[a Lango story from Uganda]

Inspired by: "The Jackal And The Dog" in The Lango: A Nilotic Tribe of Uganda by J. H. Driberg, 1923.
Notes: You can read the original story online.

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