The Dog and His People: A Catawba Tale

The Tuscarora came and killed the people, all the people. Their dog hid in the creek bottom, weeping for the people. 
Then he found a survivor, a little boy. He brought cornbread to the boy. The dog raised the boy, living on the mountainside. 
Later the dog came to a house. He cried and cried. 
"Why are you crying?" the people asked.
"The Tuscarora killed my people," said the dog. 
"How do you know?" they asked.
"I know, I saw," said the dog. "Go the mountainside and you'll find him."
So the people went and they brought the boy home.

This is another story told by Margaret Brown in Catawba Texts; click here for more Catawba stories. You can find out more about the Tuscarora people at Wikipedia. Here is how the story begins; you can find the complete Catawba text here.

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