Wolf's Peanut Crop

Wolf asked Rabbit, "Do you know how to grow peanuts?"
"I'm an expert!" said Rabbit. "First, you need to buy some planting peanuts."
Wolf bought the peanuts. 
Then Rabbit told Wolf to roast the peanuts, salt them, and bring them to the field.
Next Rabbit gave Wolf a hoe. "You dig the holes," he said. "I'll put the peanuts in and cover them with dirt."
So Wolf hoed, and Rabbit pretended to put peanuts in the holes... but really, he ate them all!
When the crop failed, Rabbit blamed moles. "They're always rooting around in other people's dirt," he said.

Inspired by: The Days when the Animals Talked by William J. Faulkner.
Notes: This is "Brer Wolf Plants Pinders" (p. 102).



  1. I'm pleased to see that he managed to frame someone else for his crime and get away with it again!

    1. Like that time you framed me for breaking the vaccuum cleaner!!
