Rabbit Scratches Elephant's Head

Wolf was bothering Rabbit, and Rabbit was tired of it. So when Elephant asked Rabbit to scratch his head, Rabbit knew what to do.
"Scratch me right between the ears," Elephant said. "It itches bad!"
"Alright," said Rabbit. "And while I'm scratching, you shout 'Help! He's killing me! Help' and buck and rear and stomp your feet."
Then Rabbit jumped on Elephant's head and started scratching, and Elephant bucked and stomped. "Help! He's killing me! Help!"
Wolf came running to watch.
"After I kill and eat this one," Rabbit shouted, "I'm going after Wolf next!"
Wolf turned tail and ran.

Inspired by: Terrapin's Pot of Sense by Harold Courlander.
Notes: This is "Rabbit Scratches Buh Elephant's Back" (p. 50).


  1. Wolf had to be extremely gullible to think that Rabbit was really killing a big and strong animal like Elephant.
