Bullfrog Guards the Well

Rabbit kept stealing water from the animals' well.
The animals appointed Bear to be watchman, but he fell asleep. Next was Wolf, but he fell asleep too.
Finally they appointed Bullfrog to guard the well.
Bullfrog kept his eyes open big and wide, and Rabbit saw he was awake.
Then, when Bullfrog felt himself starting to doze, he'd jump in the well. Splash! Then he jumped back out, wide awake.
Rabbit couldn't get water when Bullfrog guarded the well.
And if you hear Bullfrogs splashing in the night, that's why: they're waking themselves up to stand guard over the water.

Inspired by: Terrapin's Pot of Sense by Harold Courlander.
Notes: The first part of the story tells the usual tale of how Rabbit refuses to help dig the well, claiming that he can just lick the dew off the grass. Then, when the well fills with water, Rabbit sneaks up at night and takes what he wants..

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