Rabbit in the Hole

Fox was chasing Rabbit, nipping at his tail. They ran and ran. This way! That way! Left! Right! 
Finally Rabbit saw a small hole in the ground. He jumped in, curled up, and thought about what had happened.
"Ears, you heard Fox coming and warned me! Feet, you ran fast: thank you! But Tail," he said to himself, "you just about got me killed. It's time we parted ways."
Rabbit stuck his tail out of the hole. Fox bit down, tore off Rabbit's tail, and ran happily home.
"He took my tail," Rabbit said, smiling, "but I saved my life!"

Inspired by: Terrapin's Pot of Sense by Harold Courlander.
Notes: This follows a whole series of adventures, including a tar-baby story and also a story about Rabbit caught in a tree.

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