Rabbit and Anansi Go Fishing

Rabbit and Anansi checked their fish-trap: they found a lot of small fish, but no big fish.
"You take the little fish today, and I'll take the big fish tomorrow," Rabbit said to Anansi.
"No!" shouted Anansi angrily. "You take the little fish today, and I'll take the big fish tomorrow."
The same thing happened the next day. "You take these little fish," said Rabbit, "and I'll take the big fish tomorrow."
"No! I want big fish," said Anansi. "You take the little fish."
So Rabbit got all the fish day after day after day, and Anansi didn't get any.

Inspired by: Folklore of the Antilles by Elsie Clews Parsons.
Notes: Parsons classifies this story as: 2. Sharing the Spoils. You can find it online at Hathi Trust; she collected the story in Haiti (but in English). The version here was very brief, leading into a story of "Throw Me Back," but even in its brief form it is recognizable as the same type of story here where Anansi is the one who gets the fish, while Agouti gets nothing: Anansi, Agouti and the Fish-Traps

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