Rabbit's Napping Place

Rabbit found the perfect place to nap: leaves nestled between the roots of a tree. He burrowed into the leaves and fell asleep.
Unfortunately, Lion also wanted to take a nap. "Those leaves look comfortable," he said, plopping himself down right on top of Rabbit.
The roots kept Rabbit from getting squashed, but he was mighty uncomfortable. "Who's that stepping ON MY LITTLE TOE?" he shouted.
Lion, startled, reached down and felt Rabbit's furry back. "If that's just his little toe, this beast must be enormous! I better run!"
So Lion ran off, and Rabbit went happily back to sleep.

Inspired by: Young Brer Rabbit and Other Trickster Tales from the Americas by Jaqueline Shachter Weiss.
Notes: This story is on p. 51: "Brer Lion and Sis Turtle." Weiss notes that the story comes from Colombia. This is just the first part of the story; the part with Sis Turtle comes next.

1 comment:

  1. Lion might be strong but he's also very very stupid! Hahaha
