Rabbit Comes to Turtle's Rescue

"Help!" screamed Turtle.
Rabbit ran and saw Fox carrying Turtle in a sack and singing: Roasted turtle for supper tonight, roasted turtle, O!
Rabbit ran home and stuffed his own honey-hive into the sack. It was worth losing his honey-hive to save his friend.
Then he shouted. "Fox! Someone's stealing your chickens!"
Fox dropped the sack and raced home. Rabbit ran up and freed Turtle. Then they stuffed the honey-hive in Fox's sack and scurried into the bushes.
Fox came back, carried his sack home... and was stung by angry bees!
He didn't have roast turtle for supper after all.

Inspired by: Young Brer Rabbit and Other Trickster Tales from the Americas by Jaqueline Shachter Weiss.
Notes: This story is on p. 51: "Brer Lion and Sis Turtle." Weiss notes that the story comes from Colombia. This is the second part of the story (in the first part, Rabbit tricks Lion).

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