Rabbit Comes to Monkey's Rescue

Rabbit hid in the bushes, watching Tiger struggle to free himself. But Rabbit had tied him tight: Tiger was stuck!
Monkey came by. 
"Untie me please!" Tiger begged.
"But you'll eat me," Monkey protested.
"No I won't!" Tiger promised.
So Monkey untied Tiger.
Then Tiger grabbed him. "NOW I'm going to eat you!"
"Help!" Monkey shrieked.
Rabbit hopped out of the bushes and said, "Monkey-guts taste bitter. Toss Monkey in the air! That shakes up his guts so they taste sweet."
Tiger tossed Monkey up in the air.
Monkey grabbed a tree branch and escaped, while Rabbit ran away, laughing.

Inspired by: Young Brer Rabbit and Other Trickster Tales from the Americas by Jaqueline Shachter Weiss.
Notes: This story is on p. 48: "The Wind Storm." Weiss notes that the story comes from Puerto Rico. This is the second part of the story; here's the first part: Rabbit and Tiger's Mango Tree.


  1. Tiger is so gullible. Not only does Anansi easily trick him but so does Brer Rabbit!

    1. Great stuff! So Tiger goes hungry simply because he is stupid enough to believe everything Rabbit says! Serves the idiot right!
