Rabbit and Tiger's Mango Tree

Rabbit was eating mangos in Tiger's orchard when Tiger grabbed him. "I'm going to tie you to this tree and whip you!" Tiger snarled.
"Thank you!" Rabbit said. "Thank you kindly!"
Tiger stared in confusion.
"A big hurricane's coming, and I don't even have rope," Rabbit explained. "I didn't know what I was going to do. And here you are using your own rope to save me!"
"No!" Tiger shouted. "You tie me to the tree! Tie me now!"
Rabbit sighed as he tied Tiger to the tree. Then Rabbit grabbed more mangos and hopped off into the jungle, laughing.

Inspired by: Young Brer Rabbit and Other Trickster Tales from the Americas by Jaqueline Shachter Weiss.
Notes: This story is on p. 48: "The Wind Storm." Weiss notes that the story comes from Puerto Rico. 


  1. Haha I love how shrewd Brer Rabbit tricks Tiger into letting him tie him up so he can't escape!

    1. He's a thief and deserves to be in jail but instead he gets away with it and con artists like you revel and rejoice in his triumph. Tiger deserves justice!

  2. I'd have fallen for that too, if it's any consolation for Tiger.

    1. God, you must be REALLY stupid, Jonathan! Can I ask, what is your IQ?
