Conjure-Man Sends Rabbit to Catch Wasps

"I know there's more wisdom!" Rabbit said to Conjure-Man. "Teach me!"
"Give me a swarm of wasps," said Conjure-Man, "and I'll give you something."
Rabbit cut a hole in a calabash, put honey inside, and hung it on a tree. Wasps smelled the honey and flew inside. Rabbit jumped and plugged up the hole, thus trapping the wasps.
"I give you wasps!" he said to Conjure-Man.
Conjure-Man smiled. "Here's my gift to you: a tuft of white hair between your ears, as a warning about the wisdom that's in your head."
Rabbit still has that white tuft on his head.

Inspired byNegro Myths from the Georgia Coast by Charles C. Jones.
Notes: This story is "Buh Rabbit and the Conjure Man." 

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