~ 179. Anansi and Mr. Wheeler ~

Anansi found a honey-stump. 
He reached in. 
The stump said, "I'm Wheeler!" and it wheeled Anansi around and threw him. Anansi landed some leaves.
"I'll make a trap!" said Anansi, and he put rocks under the leaves.
"Come get honey!" Anansi said to Peacock. Peacock reached for the honey, Wheeler wheeled him, and then Anansi ate Peacock.
Rat reached for the honey, Wheeler wheeled him, and then Anansi ate Rat.
But Puss said, "I don't see the honey. Show me!"
So Anansi reached in, Wheeler wheeled him, and Anansi fell on the rocks.
That's how Anansi got his limp!

Inspired byWest Indian Folk-Tales by Philip Sherlock.
Notes: This story appears on p. 144 of the book: Mr. Wheeler. In Sherlock's version, Puss has gone fishing with Anansi when he discovers the stump, so she saw the trick from the beginning. Then, when Wheeler grabs Anansi, he begs Puss to go put banana leaves where the rocks are. She removes some of the rocks and sticks, but not all of them because she wants to teach Anansi a lesson.

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