Vishnu and the Washermen

Vishnu was reclining on Shesha, floating on the Ocean of Milk, while Lakshmi rubbed his feet. Suddenly Vishnu jumped up and ran off.
He returned almost immediately, and Lakshmi asked, "Where did you go?"
"I saw one of my followers was in trouble!" Vishnu explained. "Meditating on my name, he walked across clean laundry spread out to dry, and the angry washermen were going to attack him."
"Did you rescue him?" Lakshmi asked.
"I didn't need to. He heard the washermen shouting and grabbed a stick to defend himself, so I was able to come back here," Vishnu said smiling.

Inspired byTales and Parables of Sri Ramakrishna
Notes: This is story 99 in the book. You can read about Vishnu, Shesha, Lakshmi, and the Ocean of Milk at Wikipedia. In the story, the washermen are going to use sticks to attack the devotee, and he picks up a brick to defend himself; I changed it to have the devotee grab a stick.

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