~ 139. Walnuts and Watermelons ~

One afternoon, Nasruddin was resting in the shade of a walnut tree next to a watermelon patch.
"What a strange world this is!" he exclaimed. "Tiny walnuts are growing on this enormous tree, while the watermelons are lying there in the dirt, growing on those scrawny vines. If I were in charge, I'd arrange things in a much more logical way."
Then a walnut happened to fall on Nasruddin's head.
"Praise God, now I understand!" he exclaimed. "It is because of Divine Providence that I was hit on the head by this tiny walnut and not by an enormous watermelon."

Inspired byMulla's Donkey and Other Friends by Mehdi Nakosteen
Notes: This story is on p. 23 of the book.


  1. Good thing he didn't know about coconuts.

  2. I love this story! It's one that definitely needs to be included in the "Wise Fools" project this summer -- which is an asynch course that's happening as part of a teacher development project I participate in. You might want to sign up for the email; we'll have a wise-fool story of the day starting May 30 and running all summer :-) ... info here: MYFest24.LauraGibbs.net
