~ 112. Nasruddin and the Baker ~

Nasruddin owed the baker money, so when the baker saw Nasruddin on the street, he said, "Come with me!" and he led Nasruddin into the bakery.
"Look!" the baker said, pointing at the account book. "You owe me three silver coins."
Nasruddin nodded, looking at the account book. "I see my brother-in-law owes you five," he remarked. "I was on my way to see him just now; I'll get him to pay also!"
"Excellent!" replied the baker.
"He owes you five, and I owe three," Nasruddin said. "So you can give me two coins now, and that will square things."

Inspired byThe World of Nasrudin by Idries Shah, free to read online at the Idries Shah Foundation.
Notes: This is story #100 in the book.

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