~ 56. Spouses, Past and Present ~

Nasruddin's wife died, and eventually he married again. The woman he married was also widowed.
One night as they were lying in bed, Nasruddin's wife began to reminisce about her late husband. "He was so strong, and so handsome!" she said. Then she added, "Unlike some people I know."
"My late wife," said Nasruddin, "was so beautiful, and such a good cook." Then he added, "Unlike some people I know."
As they quarreled, the bed suddenly collapsed underneath them, throwing them both on the floor.
"I didn't think our bed would be strong enough to hold four people," Nasruddin observed.

Inspired byMulla's Donkey and Other Friends by Mehdi Nakosteen
Notes: This story is on p. 36 of the book. Compare a similar story where Nasruddin and his wife debate whose mother was the better cook: Nasruddin's Crowded Kitchen.

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