~ 177. Nasruddin and the Roast Pheasant ~

"Ah, roast pheasant! My favorite!" said Emperor Tamerlane. "Nasruddin, you will carve and serve."
"I offer you the head, O Head of the World," he said to Tamerlane.
"The wings are for you," he said to the Treasurer, "so you can fly off as soon as your embezzlement is discovered."
"Here are the legs," he said to the General, "for running from battle."
"Take the neck," he said to the Prime Minister, "for you're sure to be hanged sooner or later."
"The rest of the pheasant is mine," Nasruddin concluded, "because I have done such an excellent job of carving."

Inspired byThe World of Nasrudin by Idries Shah, free to read online at the Idries Shah Foundation.
Notes: This is story #53 in the book. In other versions I've read of this story, Nasruddin is carving up a chicken for members of a wealthy family.

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