Two Friends and a Lion

Kwasi and Kwaku were friends traveling through the wilderness together.
"Kwasi, there's a lion coming our way!" said Kwaku.
"Climb this tree," said Kwasi, already climbing high up into the tree.
"I don't know how to climb!" said Kwaku.
"Well, look out for yourself," said Kwasi, leaving his friend alone to face the lion.
Kwaku stretched out on the ground, playing dead. The lion came, sniffed him, and then walked off.
"I'm glad you're safe!" said Kwasi, climbing down. "What did the lion whisper in your ear."
"He told me that I should choose my friends more carefully," replied Kwaku.

Inspired by: "The Lion's Advice" in West African folktales by Jack Berry, 1991.
Notes: You can read the original story online. Berry notes that this is an Ashanti story from Ghana; he does not remark on the similarity of this story to the Aesop's fable about the two friends and the bear.

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