Rabbit and Raccoon's Watermelon Patch

Rabbit and Raccoon were farming a watermelon patch together.
"Uh-oh!" shouted Raccoon. "Tiger's coming."
Raccoon ran, leaving Rabbit alone. Rabbit could have run, but he knew Tiger would take all their watermelons. So, quick as he could, he dug two holes, buried watermelons in them, and was working on a third hole when Tiger arrived.
Tiger stared at the heaped up earth. "Who's in those graves?" he asked.
"Those are the graves of folks I killed today," said Rabbit. "I'm digging one now just for you!"
Tiger ran off, and as soon as he was gone Rabbit burst out laughing.

Inspired by: Animal Tales from North Carolina by Emma Backus and Ethel Hatton Leitner (in JAF). Online at Hathi Trust.
Notes: This story is "Bro' Rabbit an' de Water-millions." This is the first part of the story; to see what happens next, read: Rabbit and Raccoon Divide the Crop.


  1. Tiger is such a sucker haha. Brer Rabbit is like me, he loves laughing at people's gullibility after he has conned them!

    1. I love laughing at other people's gullibility too! Which is why I always enjoy Rabbit triumphing over his foolish rivals!
