Who Ate the Butter?

When Wolf saw the butter was gone, he started thinking. Jes' Start. Mos' Ha'f. Mos' Gone. All Gone. "You ate the butter!" he snarled.
"That's a lie!" shouted Rabbit. "You're the thief! Let's lie in the sun and see who oozes butter. Then we'll know the truth!"
Wolf soon fell asleep in the sun, and Rabbit rubbed his greasy paws all over Wolf's belly. 
Then Rabbit shouted, "Wake up, thief!"
Wolf woke up and saw that he was oozing butter. "Well, I guess I did eat it," he said sadly. "I just wish I could remember what it tasted like."

Inspired by: South Carolina Folk Tales. Bulletin of University of South Carolina (a WPA project).
Notes: This story is the second half of "De Buttah Tree." You can read the first half here: The Butter-Tree.