A young goat sprouted horns. Feeling brave and bold, he wandered away from the flock, looking for fresh grass to eat.
A hungry wolf saw the kid wandering alone, far from the flock.
"You'll make a nice little feast!" he growled as he grabbed the kid.
"I'm glad to oblige, Mister Wolf," said the quick-thinking kid. "Let's sing and dance to celebrate your feast!"
The kid started singing and whistling and clicking his heels. Enchanted by the music, the wolf also started to dance, letting go of the kid, who laughed and ran back to the safety of his flock.
Inspired by: Mille Fabulae et Una, a collection of Latin fables that I've edited, free to read online. I am not translating the Latin here; instead, I am just telling a 100-word version of the fable.
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