Guinea-Fowl and Rabbit Eat the Cow's Tail

Guinea-Fowl believed what Rabbit said about the cow's escape. "At least we have the tail," he said. "Let's go to my house, get some fire, and barbecue the tail."
Guinea-Fowl took the first bite, then fell down on the ground. "It's poisoned!" he moaned. "I'm dying!"
Rabbit realized that the cow-meat he stole must be poisoned too, so he ran home to stop his family from eating it. 
Guinea-Fowl followed him. "You can fool Partridge," he said, "but not me. We're going to divide the meat equally this time!"
So Rabbit had to give Guinea-Fowl half the meat after all.

Inspired by: South Carolina Folk Tales. Bulletin of University of South Carolina (a WPA project).
Notes: This story is "Buh Rabbit an Buh Guinea." You can read the first part of the story here: Rabbit and Guinea-Fowl's Cow. In the original, Man comes and shoots at them with his gun so they both have to run, but then they come back and get the meat, so I left that part out. For a story where Rabbit fools Partridge: Rabbit and Partridge Butcher a Cow.

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