Rabbit Comes to Wolf's Funeral

"Prepare my funeral," Wolf said to his wife.
Mrs. Wolf started crying.
"I'm not dying!" Wolf told her. "It's a trick to catch Rabbit. Just do what I say."
So Mrs. Wolf held a funeral, and everyone came to pay their respects. The animals all lined up to take one last look at Wolf in his coffin, and Rabbit went last.
But then Wolf reached out to grab Rabbit, Rabbit was too fast. 
"Wolf's alive! Praised be; it's a miracle!" Rabbit shouted, laughing as he ran, while the other animals kicked and hit Wolf because of how he tricked them.

Inspired by: Negro Myths from the Georgia Coast by Charles C. Jones.
Notes: This story is "Buh Rabbit and Buh Wolf Funeral." The story is full of all kinds of charming details about all the animals who attend the funeral.

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