Rabbit and Man Cooperate

"Wolf's stealing my sheep," Man told Rabbit. "Help me catch him!" 
"Just loan me your horse," Rabbit replied. "I'll do the rest."
Rabbit went riding, and Wolf was jealous. "Let me try!" he said.
"Have you ridden before?" Rabbit asked. "No? I'll tie you on for safety."
Wolf got on, Rabbit tied him, and then he jabbed the horse; it ran straight home.
Man grabbed Wolf and started whipping him.
Rabbit ran up. "Mercy!" Rabbit cried. "Let him go!"
Man let Wolf go, and he ran off; Rabbit ran with him.
"Thank you, Rabbit!" said Wolf. "You're a true friend."

Inspired by: Negro Myths from the Georgia Coast by Charles C. Jones.
Notes: This story is "Buh Rabbit, Buh Wolf, and the Buckra Man." The word "buckra" meaning a white man or European was used in Gullah and other African American communities.

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