~ 124. Dhritarashtra Learns of Krishna's Coming ~

When he learned Krishna was coming, King Dhritarashtra rejoiced. "We must honor this emissary with gold and jewels and every honor!" he exclaimeWhen he learned of Krishna's visit, King Dhritarashtra rejoiced. "We must greet this emissary with gold and jewels and every honor!" he exclaimed.
Vidura rebuked his brother's exuberance. "Just give the Pandavas their five villages," he said. "That will please Krishna more."
But, as before, Dhritarashtra ignored Vidura's advice.
Meanwhile, Duryodhana had a plan of his own. "I think we should capture Krishna and hold him prisoner."
His words shocked Dhritarashtra, and he rebuked his son. "You must not say such things. You must not even think them!"
But Duryodhana thought of nothing else as he eagerly awaited Krishna's arrival.

Inspired byThe Mahabharata: A Shortened Modern Prose Version by R. K. Narayan
Notes: This story is from Chapter 13: Action.

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