When Lion Caught Anansi

Lion caught Anansi and locked him in a cage.
"He'll taste good stewed!" said Lion. "Mrs. Lion, go gather herbs while I fetch water. Children, you watch Anansi here."
The Lion-Children danced around Anansi's cage, playing the banjo.
"I can play better than that!" said Anansi.
"Show us!" said the Lion-Children.
They let Anansi out, and then he grabbed them and cut out their tongues. Then he played the banjo and sang, "Killed the Lion-Children, cut out their tongues:
better watch out; here I come!"
When Lion and Mrs. Lion heard that song, they ran off and never came back.

Inspired byListen to This Story by Grace Hallworth.
Notes: This story appears on p. 71 of the book: Fresh Fish. In Hallworth's story, this happens when Anansi is on his way home with a basket of fish, but I just focused on Anansi.

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