- 100WordStory.org. There is a story section, plus photo stories, along with a monthly photo prompt, and the blog sidebar contains a list of journals and books.
- How to Write Flash Fiction. Tips from a Neil Gaiman writing class.
- Drabble at FanLore. This is a detailed article on drabbles in the context of fan fiction.
- 'Hint Fiction' Celebrates The (Extremely) Short Story at NPR
- Can You Tell Your Life Story In Exactly Six Words? at NPR
- Two-Sentence Horror Stories: thanks to DW in the Myth-Folklore class for telling me about this show!
- PostSecret. The postcards here are not written to fit a specific word count, but they often tell very intense stories in very few words.
- Twitter hashtags: #25wordstory, #sixwordstory, #6wordstory
- Also, this is not fiction, but is instead an amazing 6-word-writing project: The Race Card. Writing about race in six words.
- In a Flash! Writing & Publishing Dynamic Flash Prose by Melanie Faith ($2.99)
- Quick Flash Fiction: Unleashing Your Creativity by Charles Eugene Anderson ($2.99)
- The Art of the Very Short Story: A Guide for Readers and Writers by Charlie Close ($3.95)
- Drabbledark: An Anthology of Dark Drabbles edited by Eric Fomley (99 cents)
- Chronos: An Anthology of Time Drabbles edited by Eric Fomley (99 cents)
- Hint Fiction: An Anthology of Stories in 25 Words or Fewer edited by Robert Swartwood ($8.99)
If you are going to snag a Kindle book, here is the one I would most recommend: In a Flash! Writing & Publishing Dynamic Flash Prose by Melanie Faith ($2.99).

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