~ 125. The Cunning Stork ~

A stork enjoyed eating both mice and frogs.
To the frogs she said, "Frogs, I was talking to the mice, and they say you are cowards."
"We must go to war with the mice!" replied the frogs.
Then the stork went to the mice and said, "Mice, I was talking to the frogs, and they say you are cowards."
"We must go to war with the frogs!" replied the mice.
The frogs and the mice then marched into the meadow to engage in battle there, and while they fought, the stork feasted happily on the fallen soldiers of both armies.

Inspired byMille Fabulae et Una, a collection of Latin fables that I've edited, free to read online. I am not translating the Latin here; instead, I am just telling a 100-word version of the fable.
Notes: This is fable 473 in the book, and it is not in Perry's catalog; this is a Latin fable from Camerarius. The war of the frogs and the mice is the subject of the Greek mock-epic poem called the Batrachomyomachia.

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