The sheepdog was surprised to find a lamb among the goats.
"Your mother isn't here," said the sheepdog. "She must be over there, with the sheep."
"Not so," said the lamb. "My mother is the one who gave me her udder to suck. Even though she also had children of her own to feed, it is this nanny-goat who gave me milk. She is the one I call mother."
"A goat can't be your mother!" said the sheepdog.
"Yes, she can," said the lamb. "That sheep may be my mother in body, but this nanny-goat is my mother in love."
Inspired by: Mille Fabulae et Una, a collection of Latin fables that I've edited, free to read online. I am not translating the Latin here; instead, I am just telling a 100-word version of the fable.
Notes: This is fable 310 in the book, which is Perry 506.

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