~ 12. The Lion and the Unicorn ~

The lion and the unicorn were fierce enemies.
The lion, pretending weakness, limped up to the unicorn. "Set aside our quarrels and help me, please. I want to go see my wife before I die, but I need your horn to lean on. I will return it to you as soon as I have said my last goodbyes to my wife; I give you my word."
The unicorn felt sorry for the lion and offered him his horn, which left the unicorn defenseless.
The lion took the horn and then used it to attack the unicorn, defeating him at last.

Inspired byMille Fabulae et Una, a collection of Latin fables that I've edited, free to read online. I am not translating the Latin here; instead, I am just telling a 100-word version of the fable.
Notes: This is fable 7 in the book, which is Perry 645.

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