The Ambitious Brahmin

An ambitious brahmin said to the king, "I shall teach you about God!"
The king laughed. "You know nothing of God. Go away!"
Angry, the brahmin went away and spent time reading the scriptures. He returned to the palace, but again the king laughed and dismissed him.
This happened many times.
Eventually, the brahmin understood. Kings, riches, power: he saw they were nothing.
He no longer returned to the palace.
The king realized what the brahmin's absence meant, so he then went to the brahmin. "Now you understand the scriptures!" the king said. "I ask you to please teach me."

Inspired byTales and Parables of Sri Ramakrishna
Notes: This is story 204 in the book. The story refers specifically to the brahmin reading the Bhagavata Purana; you can learn more about that at Wikipedia.

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