A king was making a sea voyage, but one of his servants had never been in a boat before. Stricken with terror, this servant sobbed and shouted, annoying the king.
A wise sailor took charge: he had the servant thrown into the sea, and then dragged by the hair to where he could grab hold of the ship's rudder.
The man clung there for an hour, and then they dragged him back into the boat.
He made no further complaints.
"Now he knows what the water is like," said the wise sailor, "and he knows the value of a boat."
For the #RamadanReadathon at Twitter, I want to highlight some story collections that people might enjoy reading, featuring free full-text books online; here are all the books I've featured so far, including a 100-word story for each one too. So, today's book is The rose-necklace, being the selections from the Gulistan and the Anwaar-i Suhaili, translated by Adalut Khan. See details below, and here is a story from the Gulistan section of the book.
You can find a longer version of that story, and many other stories besides, in the online book, which is available at Hathi Trust.

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