Biting Your Own Nose

Nasruddin's two young sons were arguing in the garden. Nasruddin ignored the shouts and yells as best he could, but then one of his sons began to wail loudly, so he went to investigate.
He found the younger of the two crying loudly, with blood trickling down his face. "He bit my nose!" the boy said, pointing at his older brother.
"Not true!" said the older boy. "He bit his own nose."
This claim surprised Nasruddin. He tried several times to bite his own nose without success.
"Sorry, son," he said, "but I think your brother's story is more likely."

Inspired byThe World of Nasrudin by Idries Shah, free to read online at the Idries Shah Foundation.
Notes: This is story #44 in the book. Shah's version here doesn't have the part about Nasruddin testing this out for himself, but that is an element you'll find in other versions of this story.

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