Ganesha and the Moon

Ganesha returned home after Kubera's feast, riding his mouse.
The mouse jumped when it saw a snake, and Ganesha fell off. His stomach split open, spilling food onto the ground.
Ganesha then grabbed the snake to use as a belt while he stuffed the food back into his stomach.
The moon, meanwhile, was watching and chuckled. "You look funny!" he said.
Ganesha angrily cursed the moon. "Disappear into darkness!"
The moon begged for mercy.
"I can't undo the curse," said Ganesha. "But you will return from darkness into the light and back again."
The moon still does this even now.

Inspired byStories of Lord Ganesha
Notes: This story is also an explanation for the snake-belt that Ganesha wears; there are other stories about the origin of his snake-belt. For example, in some versions about the fire-demon that Ganesha swallows, Shiva wraps his snake around Ganesha trying to alleviate his stomachache.

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