~ 100. Nasruddin's Clothesline ~

A neighbor asked to borrow Nasruddin's clothesline.
"I'm afraid that's not possible," said Nasruddin. He tried to sound apologetic, but he really didn't want to loan anything to anyone. "I'm using the clothesline right now."
"But I didn't see any clothes drying outside. What are you using it for?"
"I'm using it to dry flour," Nasruddin explained. "I spilled some water and the flour got wet. The flour is still drying."
"You can't use a clothesline for drying flour!" exclaimed the neighbor. "That's impossible!"
"It's completely possible," Nasruddin replied calmly, "when your purpose is to avoid loaning out your clothesline."

Inspired by: The Uncommon Sense of the Immortal Mullah Nasruddin by Ron Suresha
Notes: This is story 67 in the book. The theme of Nasruddin not wanting to loan things to his neighbors is a recurring theme in the stories.

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