Brer Rabbit Invited to Dinner

Brer Fox had invited Brer Rabbit to dinner, but when Brer Rabbit arrived, there wasn't any dinner on the table — just an empty pan and a carving knife. Brer Brer Fox was planning on rabbit for dinner!
Brer Rabbit had to think fast. "Do I smell roast chicken?" he asked.
"That's right," grunted Brer Fox.
"I'll need calamus root to season it," said Brer Rabbit, and he raced out the door. Brer Fox chased him, but Brer Rabbit got away.
"Don't worry, Brer Fox! I'll bring you some calamus root too," he shouted, but of course he didn't go back.

Inspired by: Uncle Remus: His Songs and Sayings by Joel Chandler Harris: Brer Rabbit and the Calamus Root
Notes: This is Thompson motif number K0653 Escape because of plea that leaves means of egress open, which is commonly found in African stories (Baer).

Here's an illustration by Rene Bull, with a very big knife!

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