Pig and Baboon

Pig and Baboon used to be friends, and they lived together on the hillside.
One day, a very cold wind was blowing. Pig and Baboon sat on a rock, trying to warm themselves in the sun.
"This sharp wind could wear down someone's nose until it is blunt," said Baboon.
"Yes," said Pig. "It could even blow the fur off someone's behind."
"You don't have to be rude," snarled Baboon.
"You started it!" squealed Pig. 
They argued, and finally Pig went to live down on the plains and Baboon went to live up on the hillltops.
They aren't friends anymore. 

Inspired by: "The Pig and the Baboon" in The Wayao of Nyasaland by Hugh Stannus, 1917.
Notes: You can read the original story online.

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