The Man and his Camels

A man went to water his camels at the well. He tied six camels in the gully where he could see them and led the other six camels to the well.
As he stood by the well, he looked back: his camels were gone! He quickly tied his camels at the well and ran back to the riverbed where he found lions eating the camels.
Then he ran back to the well: lions had attacked those camels too!
He grabbed his waterskin and ran home, only to find that his house had been looted by bandits.
Misfortunes never come singly.

Inspired by: "The Man and his Camels" in Specimens of Somali Tales (published in Folklore) by J. W. C. Kirk, 1904.
Notes: You can read the original story online. Kirk heard this story from "Ismail, Habr Toljaala: Ahmed Farah, professional poet, aged about 24." More about the Habr Toljaala clan.

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