The Horse and the Hyena

When a man's horse gave birth, he tied bells to the mother and her colt to keep them safe.
Some days later, the horse went to eat grass, and her colt followed her. 
A hyena stalked behind them, hoping to catch the colt. But when the hyena pounced, the horse and colt began to run, and the bells went jingle-jangle, jingle-jangle. This sound scared the hyena, who ran off, so the horse and her colt survived.
The horse's owner later noticed the horse tracks and the hyena tracks, and he guessed what happened, glad that the bells had saved them.

Inspired by: "The Mare and her Child and the Hyena" in Magana Hausa; Hausa stories and fables by  J. F. Schon, 1885 edition with English translation.
Notes: You can read the original story online.

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