Rabbit at the Revival Meeting

The animals got together for a revival meeting. The preachers preached, Then they started confessing their sins.
Preacher Coon confessed, "I've been raiding other folks' gardens."
Preacher Dog confessed, "Brethren, I've been eating other folks' lambs."
Preacher Rooster confessed, "Every time I see a chicken, I take her to bed."
Preacher Fox confessed, "I drink too much, way too much."
Everybody was confessing, except for Preacher Rabbit.
"Haven't you got some sin to confess?" they asked.
"I confess that I do love to gossip," said Rabbit, "and thank you for all you've told me today!" Then he ran off, laughing.

Inspired by: Terrapin's Pot of Sense by Harold Courlander.
Notes: This is "Buh Rabbit's Human Weakness," p. 31.


1 comment:

  1. Haha if Rabbit really confessed his sins he'd have been there all night! He's always up to mischief and invariably gets away with it!
