Brer Rabbit's New Necktie

On a cold winter day, Blacksnake lay on a rock, not moving.
Rabbit saw him and thought, "That dead snake would make a fine necktie." 
So Rabbit tied the snake around his neck. "The gals will surely admire my elegant ensemble!" he said to himself.
But when Rabbit got home and sat before the fire, Blacksnake warmed up. He hissed at Rabbit angrily, squeezing his neck.
"I'll take you home!" shrieked Rabbit, and he ran back to the rock.
As they were running, Blacksnake got to thinking that Rabbit might make a very fine meal, and he squeezed even tighter.

Inspired by: Terrapin's Pot of Sense by Harold Courlander.
Notes: This is the story "Brer Rabbit's Tight Necktie," p. 21. This is just the first part of the story; see what happens next here: Rabbit, Blacksnake, and the Rock.

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