Rabbit and Lion in the Cave

Lion lived in a cave. He didn't want to go about to get food, so he stayed in his cave, fooling the other animals
"I'm feeling poorly," he would say to any animal who passed by. "Please bring me some water."
Then when the animals brought him water, he ate them.
Lion was living the good life, eating all the animals like that.
Then Rabbit came by.
"I'm feeling sick," Lion said to Rabbit. "Please bring me some water."
"I'd be glad to," Rabbit replied, "except I see the tracks of all those animals going on, and none coming out."

Inspired by: Every Tongue Got to Confess, stories collected by Zora Neale Hurston (from a manuscript thought lost, but now found and published).
Notes: This story starts on p. 241, "The Lion and the Rabbit." It contains several episodes; this is just the first episode. It's the classic Aesop's fable, but with Rabbit as the trickster instead of the fox, as in Aesop. Hurston heard the story from William Jones. You can read more of Jones's story here: Rabbit and Lion Meet the Man.

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