Dog Traps Rabbit in a Tree

Dog chased Rabbit, and Rabbit hid in a tree. 
"I'm going to burn you up, Rabbit!" Dog shouted. 
Then Dog yelled for Goose. "Come here, Goose! Watch this Rabbit; don't let him get away."
"Hey, Goose!" shouted Rabbit. "Are you sure I'm here? Better look inside."
Goose poked his head in the hole, and Rabbit threw dirt in his eyes; then he ran. 
Dog came back, set the tree on fire: no Rabbit!
"He might have escaped," Goose confessed. "Rabbit's always scheming!"
Then Dog tried to bite Goose, but all he got was feathers in his mouth: Goose flew away!

Inspired by: Negro Myths from the Georgia Coast by Charles C. Jones.
Notes: This story is "Buh Rabbit, Buh Wolf, The Dog and The Goose." Wolf does not figure directly in the story, but he's the one who hired Dog to catch Rabbit.

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