Anansi, Visitor from Heaven

Anansi wanted to get rich without working, so he wrapped himself in a white gown and went to see a widow woman.
"Who are you?" she asked.
"I'm a visitor from heaven," Anansi replied.
"Did you see my husband there?"
"I saw a lot of people there. What's his name?"
"James Thomas."
"Oh, I know him well. He is a big boss up there, but he has no Sunday clothes."
The woman ran and got all the money she had. "So my husband can buy some Sunday clothes," she told Anansi. "Take it!"
Anansi smiled. "Your wish is my command."

Inspired byJamaica Anansi Stories by Martha Warren Beckwith
Notes: This is story 133 in the book. Beckwith heard this story from Stanley Jones; additional information in Beckwith's notes. This is Anansi playing the role of the trickster in tale type 1540: The Man from Paradise. In the second part, Anansi meets a woman who saved money for a "rainy day," and he says his name is Mr. Rainy Day.

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